- 𪎾 (No definition found)
- 𪌩 (No definition found)
- 𪅉 (No definition found)
- 𩚣 (No definition found)
- 𩉁 (No definition found)
- 𩈍 (No definition found)
- 𨹻 (No definition found)
- 𨸱 (No definition found)
- 𨡏 (No definition found)
- 𨡁 (No definition found)
- 𨌈 (No definition found)
- 𨉾 (No definition found)
- 𨆁 (No definition found)
- 𧹖 (No definition found)
- 𧰊 a rumbling sound
- 𧨸 (No definition found)
- 𧨩 (No definition found)
- 𧌎 (No definition found)
- 𧉂 (No definition found)
- 𦳇 (No definition found)
- 𦬞 (No definition found)
- 𦧝 (No definition found)
- 𦧖 (No definition found)
- 𦧒 (No definition found)
- 𦗁 (No definition found)
- 𦗀 (No definition found)
- 𦔿 (No definition found)
- 𦊊 (No definition found)
- 𥵶 (No definition found)
- 𥳫 (No definition found)
- 𥪧 (No definition found)
- 𥪌 (No definition found)
- 𥧑 (No definition found)
- 𤲖 (No definition found)
- 𤫞 (No definition found)
- 𤤦 (No definition found)
- 𤘠 (No definition found)
- 𣊖 (No definition found)
- 𢓍 (No definition found)
- 𢇶 (No definition found)
- 𡙒 (No definition found)
- 𡒧 (No definition found)
- 𠗘 (No definition found)
- 黇 (No definition found)
- 鷏 Caprimulgus indicus
- 鷆 bird name
- 鴫 a snipe
- 餂 to obtain by hook
- 靦 timid, shy, bashful
- 靝 (in taoism) the heaven
- 靔 (No definition found)
- 阗 a place in Xinjiang province
- 闐 a place in Xinjiang province
- 鍩 nobelium
- 錪 (No definition found)
- 鈿 hairpin; gold inlaid work, filigree
- 酟 (No definition found)
- 賟 (No definition found)
- 觍 ashamed
- 覥 ashamed
- 菾 beet
- 舚 to put out the tongue
- 舔 lick with tongue; taste
- 腆 prosperous; good; protruding
- 胋 (No definition found)
- 緂 (No definition found)
- 窴 glance at, look at; wink at
- 磌 (No definition found)
- 碵 (No definition found)
- 睼 (No definition found)
- 睓 (No definition found)
- 盷 (No definition found)
- 痶 (No definition found)
- 畠 garden, field, farm, plantation
- 畑 dry (as opposed to rice) field; used in Japanese names
- 畋 till land, cultivate; hunt
- 田 field, arable land, cultivated
- 甜 sweet, sweetness
- 甛 sweet, sweetness
- 璳 (No definition found)
- 琠 a gem used as ear plug; a jade earring
- 湉 (No definition found)
- 添 append, add to; increase
- 淟 turbid; muddy
- 沺 turbulent
- 殄 to end; to exterminate
- 晪 (No definition found)
- 搷 to beat; to winnow
- 掭 to manipulate; a pricker for a lamp-wick
- 悿 (No definition found)
- 恬 quiet, calm, tranquil, peaceful
- 忝 disgraced; ashamed; self-deprecating
- 屇 cave; hole
- 婖 (No definition found)
- 天 sky, heaven; god, celestial
- 填 fill in, fill up; make good
- 塡 fill in, fill up; make good
- 唺 (No definition found)
- 兲 heaven; sky
- 倎 (No definition found)
- 䧃 name of a place
- 䥖 (same as 鈿) silver of gold filigree, hairpin, inlaid work
- 䡘 sound of moving carriages
- 䡒 sound of moving carriages; noise of a number of vehicles
- 䠄 to walk, tracks or whereabouts, disease of the feet
- 䟧 sound of treading or stepping
- 䚶 to scold in a loud voice
- 䑚 (non-classical form of 甜) sweet; agreeable; pleasant
- 䐌 (ancient form of 腆) luxuriant; abundant; rich; plentiful of food, brazen-faced; shameless, good; virtuous, protruding, as belly, etc., to go to excess
- 䋬 rug; carpet; blanket, woolen textiles; woolen goods; woolen stuff; woolen fabrics
- 䄽 (same as U+79C8 秈, U+7C7C 籼) common rice, as distinguished from glutinous rice; (corrupted form of U+413C 䄼) name of a place in ancient times
- 䄼 name of a place in ancient times
- 䀖 to look up to; to respect
- 㶺 the light or glow of fire
- 㮇 (standard form of 掭) (same as 栝) a builder's frame for measuring, juniper, a poker (for stirring fire, a cylinder part on the old style of wooden doors
- 㬲 to increase; to add to; to augment, to a greater extent; more, benefit; profit; advantage
- 㧂 (same as 屇) a cave a hold in the ground; a hole
- 㥏 bashful; shy; ashamed
- 㙉 (same as 腆) prosperous; affluence, good; virtuous, to make strong -- as liquors
- 㖭 (same as 舔) to lick; to taste; (Cant.) even; in addition
- 㐁 to lick; to taste, a mat, bamboo bark